Aroma Freedom Technique is a step-by-step process for identifying and releasing blocks, negative thoughts, feelings, and memories that interfere with our sense of identity and self-belief so we may reach specific goals and a desired level of enjoyment in life.
Learning to identify our feelings with somatic awareness, allows us to communicate clearly with ourselves and others; a conscious knowledge of our own character, motives, and desires.
Now try this: Think of the biggest goal you have right now and imagine yourself accomplishing it. Ask yourself “Is this safe?” and listen for whatever voice comes up in your mind. Many people are surprised when their inner voice says “NOPE, Not Gonna Happen!” Whether it’s fear of relationships, overeating, courage to put our work out into the world, or something else, our habits have been serving us in some way, trying to keep us safe. Much to our frustration, when our subconscious mind is working against us, we can never really be all in. We are literally prisoners of our own thoughts, unable to break through and create the lives we want.
Can you see how your own inner voice could trip you up and hold you back as you work towards what you want in life?
Book A Session! I am passionate about helping your awareness of new freedom to pursue your dreams and desires. I provide sessions either in person if you live locally, or as a web session over Zoom.