Zoom Aroma Freedom Sessions & Aroma Yoga® Classes – Private & Group

I usually end up teaching or guiding what perplexes me. I was drawn to these Aroma practices because I have always loved Essential Oils – but now to use them with Intention of Thought, Goals & Movement! I knew this would be powerful and could enhance my life and those with whom I share.

Here you can book Zoom private or group Aroma Freedom Technique sessions or book classes with Suuz for a deeper understanding of Essentrics®, Yoga, Aroma Yoga®, Eight Treasures™ QiGong, and Tai Chi for Arthritis. Sometimes one-on-one is the best way to refine the movements and gain a greater understanding of alignment principles and body awareness.

For Aroma Freedom Technique or Aroma Yoga®, we will mail you sample oils appropriate for session or class which is included in the price.

Please allow 5-7 days for samples to be delivered. (You will love the smell of their arrival 🙂 and, you can keep with you as a positive reminder or sleep with them under your pillow that night)

For our session, please sign on 10 minutes early, assume a comfortable position on your mat, have the oils ready that we mailed you.

* Please exercise caution in handling these pure oils by not getting in eyes. (if you do, use a fatty oil such as YL v6 or almond oil, and drop into eyes. Do not use water)


Zoom Sessions

Individualized one-on-one sessions with Suuz

Zoom Group Classes

Join a Zoom group class with Suuz!